Primal Harmony
14 Day Jungle Immersion
July 26th – August 8th 2024
When coming to work in the jungle, you are making a commitment to your soul to enter a very deep healing journey of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of your being. When you come to work here you are coming to a hospital in the jungle where complete surrender and trust is required towards the plant doctors, the healer, the helpers, and the process. The process in the jungle is one that cannot be fully understood by the western mindset and can only be experienced.
The healer that we are working with is serving as an extension of the master doctors, which in this case, are the plants themselves. She listens deeply and closely to help facilitate the work to create more balance, harmony, and overall health. She always says that “Everyone feels good in the city, everyone seems healthy. Yet in the silence and stillness of the jungle we get to see what is really inside, and that everyone has problems they are untangling”.
When coming to the jungle, there is a process of de-conditioning that needs to happen.There is no schedule, no distractions, no activities planned. Only the medicine and your own unique inner process. This can prove to be a rather challenging transition for those coming from a culture where everything is scheduled and readily available at our fingertips. As we surrender into the wisdom of the process, there is a great peace and we are carried deeper into our healing journey.
The camp is simple, quiet, & peaceful. There is no electricity, no running or hot water, and there are insects of all sorts, shapes, and sizes. The living structures are simple, we bathe with water from the stream, we are surrounded by the beauty and perfection of jungle. An array of medicinal plants and trees surround the various structures, the daytime is filled with the soundtrack of the different birds singing, and the night time comes alive with the incredible symphony of insects, night birds, and other animals of the jungle.
Dona Otilia, the healer, directs the camp, all the treatments, the medicines, and the overall flow here. She is always available to talk to in order to more deeply understand whats happening in each person’s process, to see and solve problems of your life, and to dissolve any inner conflicts and confusion that may arise. She is very loving, joyful and always open and available to help. The food here is very simple. We are in the jungle and receive fresh fruits and veggies from trips to town.
Dona Otilia has studied and continues to study diet and how it works with the plant medicines. All the food is carefully selected and prepared with love, the food itself is medicine – prepared with lots of thought and consideration of the entirety of the process. To appreciate it as medicine is to receive its healing and the health it provides. The treatments depend on each individual. The appropriate medicines will be given according to each person’s specific needs. The work here is very complete, treatments addressing everything from bones, blood, muscles, nerves, organs, skin, energy, trauma, psychological problems, and spiritual problems. As well as treating long standing dis-eases and traumas of body, heart, mind, and spirit.
It is recommended you stay at least 2 – 3 weeks to receive a well rounded and complete treatment. The treatments are not instantaneous and are a delicate processes. The many types of treatments include: anti-parasite medicine, sauna, medicinal baths, massage, bone setting and re-alignment, very strong plant medicines, diet, and salves – as well as specific treatments for your individual needs.
The plant medicines work very deeply and in mysterious ways. They are considered teachers as well as healers and doctors. When you work with them, it is called dieting with the plants. When you diet with the plants all the deep problems of one’s life (physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual) cannot be avoided and start to come up and out to be released. We get to see what exactly is lying under the surface with great clarity and have the opportunity to face ourselves and heal. It is important to respect the plants and the process as well as the guidance of the healers here to help you.
Although this is not an Ayahuasca retreat, you will have the opportunity to work with Ayahuasca as part of a wholistic and complete course of treatment according to the healing traditions of the jungle. Ayahuasca is a very powerful medicine that works on all levels. It is called “The Medicine” because it works on all dimensions of the being (all bodies, all systems of the physical body, the psyche, the emotions, and at a soul level) and is a master healer and teacher plant. Ayahuasca is a plant medicine that brings light to all that’s inside. It helps to treat addiction and trauma and to see one’s life clearly. It can be helpful to gain direction and purpose in one’s life and to help us find what we are looking for; the vision for our life. It is not a magic cure all, it will not heal our life but like a true master teacher and healer, it gives us the tools and understanding needed to heal our own lives and create the life we wish to create for ourselves and for the world.
People often come with the expectation that they will automatically receive visions, just because one drinks the medicine does not automatically mean that one will have visions or even a pleasant experience. This medicine will provide each individual with the exact medicine each one needs. It will help to clean out all negativity, it will help an individual organize one’s life, and to find the answers they are looking for. To have a beautiful experience you must be clean, clear, and have pure respectful intentions for drinking the medicine.
The work with the medicine in the jungle is unlike any ceremony that one may experience elsewhere, it goes very deep and there will likely be a longer processing time. All people who come need rest first and foremost. This is without exception. The plants and process here will be cleaning all the old, physical, emotional, mental patterns. It is a very strong cultural detoxification. People are accustomed to doing many activities and distracting themselves from the truth of the weight and pain they may carry deep inside. Being here at the hospital in the jungle, all of this has the space to come to the surface and out – your body will feel tired and want rest. Your mind may not want rest but your body will ask for it.
This is one of the most powerful healings and gifts that we receive in the jungle. As you go deeper and deeper it becomes easier to relax. The turmoil dissolves and rest is easy and natural. This is part of the healing process, to re-learn the art of relaxation, and allow the body to use its resources for restoration and rejuvenation. Also we need to be in a place of receptivity and calm to receive and hear the subtle teachings and voice of the plants.
When you come, you are coming to heal. This is the purpose of this camp and Dona Otilia´s purpose for serving you; to help people become free of all disease and the weight of the past, to organize their lives, solve their problems, find direction, and live happily. This requires trust and surrender to come here and let go of ideas, habits, follow the guidance, and receive the treatments without expectation of outcome. The benefits you receive will depend directly upon your openness and ability to accept what you are given in the attitude of gratitude, and a patient awareness that all aspects of your journey is truly medicine and healing.
If you would like to come, please understand what the camp is, and what the work is. This is a safe quiet environment to do very deep work. You will receive support, medicines, and treatments depending on your needs. You may always ask for guidance, clarification, help, and more personal support if you need it. Some may want their own space and to be left to their own process, others may appreciate group process and support.
Before you come we will discuss what your intentions are and what you´d like to receive so we can best prepare for you. The cost is $2150 for a 14 day all inclusive healing retreat, including transportation once inside Iquitos, lodging, food, treatments, medicine, and translation – as well as preparation and post diet integration.
Nicole and Joshua will pick you up at the Iquitos Airport, even if your flight is delayed, we’ll be there when you arrive. From the moment you arrive to Iquitos you will be completely taken care of with every detail considered. Your individual needs and highest interest will always be considered and adapted to – however the diet and way of the Hospital in the Jungle has been developed over decades and so your individual preferences will need to be surrendered in the greater desire for real change and healing. The medicine process truly begins the moment you make the clear intention to go to the jungle and do this work. Be open, be receptive, be humble, and appreciate every step of the journey.

Dona Otilia Pasmino Guimaray is a gifted healer in the mestizo vegetalista tradition with over 40 years of experience.
Coming from an ancestral line of healers, Dona Otilia connected with her gifts of clairvoyance and a deep connection with nature in her youth. In her late teens people began to seek her counsel. Her service as a healer began by offering tobacco readings for people in community. In her readings she would receive guidance for what types of remedies her patients needed and was successfully able to resolve peoples’ physical and life problems. Her path led her to deepening in her connection with the plants and to the mastery of her art and science of healing.
She is a gifted vegatlista who considers herself a natural doctor who works with the plants. Throughout her work she has been able to help people heal from various forms of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ailments.
She is very gifted at being able to get to the root of a persons’ dis-ease and accurately diagnose and treat them accordingly. She lives and wholeheartedly serves this mission of healing with great integrity from her center in Iquitos Peru, which she calls the “Hospital in the Jungle.”
She is very humble and kind, and always available to help, and discuss the process, and any address any concerns. She has successfully treated individuals with Cancer, HIV, Diabetes, and all forms of dis-ease. She is respected and has many students all around the world. Doña Otilia has a beautiful camp about 50 kilometers from Iquitos where she lives and works with patients and the plants.
Her camp has private huts for long term patients and students. For shorter stays, visitors stay in a dormitory style buildings with shared bathroom. All living quarters are located on top of hills with amazing view of the Amazon Rainforest.
The dormitories are shared, partially screened in, and all of the beds have mosquito nets.
A 35 minute hike into the jungle is required to get to the camp, after a one hour taxi ride from the city of Iquitos.
- All Activities, Medicines & Treatments Throughout the Program
- 2-3 Vegetarian Meals a Day
- Lodging
- Transportation Inside Iquitos (motor taxis & taxis inside the program)
- Translator & Guide
- Support & guidance for inner healing work and life direction
- 1 Month Preparation & Post Retreat Integration Support
- Medicine Ceremonies
- Plant Baths
- Bone Doctor Treatments (if necessary)
- Personalized Treatments & Medicines Depending on Your Needs – please discuss your intentions and needs with Nicole before hand so we can prepare, Doña Otilia will diagnose your situation during the first ceremony and create a course of treatment specifically for you
- Two nights in Iquitos (first and last days) *Possible 3rd night in Iquitos if required for Bone Doctor session.
- Day on the Amazon & Visiting with the River Dolphins
- Visit the Belen Market and Shaman Alley
- Visit the Native Shipibo and Local Artists Market
You can search for flights to Iquitos, Peru (IQT) or fly to Lima, Peru (LIM) and then take a domestic flight to Iquitos (IQT) Nicole & Joshua will pick you up at the airport in Iquitos.
***Please Coordinate Flights with Nicole & Joshua***
Cost of the 14 day Jungle Healing Retreat is $2150 for shared lodging and $2650 for private lodging.
- This cost includes, pick up at the airport, hostel in the city, meals, lodging, plant medicine, medicinal baths, ayahuasca ceremonies, personal guidance & healing with Dona Otilia (the healer), laundry at least once a week, all the rest and relaxation you can imagine.
- This cost does not include cost of extra meals in the city, costs while staying in the city outside of the program. Typically being in the city is about $60 – $80 a day for lodging, transportation and food.
2-3 simple meals a day. Different types of foods you will be eating are fruits, soups, grains, potatoes, mixed vegetable dishes, lentils, eggs, chicken, and fish. The meals are simple yet very nourishing, directed by Dona Otilia herself. Many coming different dietary preferences have seamlessly transitioned into this way of eating and experienced stronger bodies, more balanced minds and emotions, and undeniable increased sense of wellbeing. Vegetarian and Vegan diets may be accommodated – please discuss with Nicole & Joshua.
Shared – You will be in the shared dormitory style tambo, with individual spaces sectioned off with a private bed & mosquito net, the common space has shared hammocks, and a shared bathroom
Private Tambo is a small separate individual building with its own bathroom, hammock area and bedroom area with mosquito net.
All Inclusive Pricing
Single Room in a Shared Space
$2150 per person
Private Lodging
$2650 per person
I felt more healthy, happy and whole during and after Josh and Nicole’s healing and vision retreat than at any other point in my life. I recommend this experience to, well in all honesty to everyone! But especially to anyone looking to profoundly better their health, reconnect with themselves internally, and/or have an authentic and wholesome experience learning about healing and teacher plants including ayahuasca. Josh and Nicole are walking their paths of truth and fulfilling their callings in leading their retreats. They are very inspiring individuals and just getting to know them is a gift. They are very excellent in what they do, providing the support and guidance that is so necessary before, during and after this kind of experience perfectly
My experience on the 2019 Awakening Retreat was an experience beyond the western, modern mind. For one who is dedicated to healing the self, I strongly encourage the work in the jungle. Whether your looking for deeper understanding, peace of mind, to heal physical ailments or habitual patterns affecting your life, I have seen, heard and experienced these healings.
Nicole provided continuous support before, during and after that nurtured and guided my own experience from going into the jungle, healing in the jungle and integrating back into my life with unconditional love and true, deep devotion. This work is very real. I have never felt so in my body and comfortable in my own skin. Thank you, from the core of my being for this retreat into Mother Earth’s bosom and back into the rhythm of my soul.
I felt thoroughly supported, completely accepted, nurtured and totally loved. The meals, the medicine baths, the meditations, the many medicines, were all a large part of the healing and allowed cleansing of my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies so that I could open fully to the medicine and receive its divine teachings and wisdom.
The trip continues to unfold for me daily and has changed who I AM. As more and more time goes by i feel i am integrating the work that was done and can still feel its impact. I’m so looking forward to my next trip and delving deeper into ME.