11 Tijax
Yes or No End The Endless and Begin the Timeless Maltiox Ahau Nagual Junlajuj Tijax
Yes or No End The Endless and Begin the Timeless Maltiox Ahau Nagual Junlajuj Tijax
All Creation Is Moved By Grace
Sacred Universal Fires All Creation Your Countless Eyes, Ears, Noses, Mouths and Skin Your Will the Insatiable Conflagration Consuming All Time & Space Rise Up & Dance Amongst the Flames Maltiox Ahau Kaheeb Toj
Sacred Heart Vision Seed of Light Nurtured by All Creation You are Source, Process, and Destiny Maltiox Ahau Jun Qanil
Walk the Single Thread of Authenticity And Live the Present of Transcendent Vision Maltiox Ahau Oxlajuj Kej