Reciprocity & the Appreciation of Wisdom in Today’s Age

Reciprocity & the Appreciation of Wisdom in Today’s Age

In today’s world, with a global communications network, push button everything, and essentially humanity’s collective knowledge available instantly upon demand – I’ve witnessed a depreciation of respect and appreciation for that which is truly valuable. Valuable is relative and subjective, however I believe that every human being can agree that we have certain necessities for life…

Winter Solstice 2020 Ceremony Preparation Instructions

Ceremony Preparation InstructionsSeeing the Light within the DarknessMonday December 21st @ 6:30pm EST *If you are interested in working with Cacao please message me and I’ll give you further instructions* Ceremony Items: Smudge of some sort: sage, copal, palo santo, etc Altar cloth Incense / feather Candle / matches Water with small vessel Crystal / stone…