7 Ajpu

7 Ajpu

Day or Night The Triumphant Sun Shines On Maltiox Ahau Nagual Wakub Ajpu The center of this 13 day Tracena – 7 is a number of peace and neutrality.  This is a day to allow peace to shine from the center of every moment.  See our source in All things – allow the formless Ultimate Truth to Shine through…

4 Noj

4 Noj

Magic Is the Unlimited Possibility Of Applied Self Knowledge Maltiox Ahau Nagual Kahib Noj Today the energy of the Ix trecena has become a stable moving force – ushering all things towards art of creation. Noj is a nagual of the Earth, and knowledge.  It is the sacred science of creation, and encourages us to…

2 Tzi’kin

2 Tzi’kin

Equal Vision Illuminates the Timeless Journey Imagination is the Power of Creation Maltiox Ahau Nagual Tzi’Kin Allow vision to carry you through ups and downs, the past present and future – its the journey, and the Eagle soars above gazing upon the vast landscape of time and space.  Maintain perspective and allow the eagle to…

1 Ix

1 Ix

Mother Nature Elixir of Our Soul Your Limitless Potential Is the Magic Of Creation May We Walk in Grace As Emissaries of Your Heart Upon the Sacred Altar of  Mother Earth Maltiox Ahau Nagual Jun Ix Today is the first day of the Ix 13 Day Trecena. The mighty jaguar emerges from the darkness, walking gracefully as an extension…