Working with Parasite Medicine Oje ~ Nature of Parasites

Working with Parasite Medicine Oje ~ Nature of Parasites

Generally the first plant a person who comes to the jungle for cultural detox will work with is Oje.  Oje is a medicine that is used to treat parasites of all types, it is known to be one of the most effective treatments around the world and eliminates anything from intestinal parasites, to candida, even…


Preparations for a Jungle Retreat

Your retreat in the jungle is your own magical portal into your own creation.  Literally you create the experience through your own readiness, sincerity, and preparations.  The more deeply you connect with your retreat and direct your energy towards its transformational effect upon your life, the more fully you will find yourself throughout your stay…


Diet & Salt

It is a common topic in medicine community inquiring about diet and specifically salt. Why is salt excluded when working with plant medicines and healing processes in the jungle? Salt is a concentration of naturally occurring minerals found in the Earth. All vegetables and even fruits contain trace amounts of these same minerals. Time before…