13 Imox
Balanced Happy Heart Transparent Ocean Waters of Peace The Lens of the Infinite Receiving Ever Changing Vision of Wholeness Transcends That Which It Reflects Maltiox Ahau Nahual Oxlajuj Imox
Balanced Happy Heart Transparent Ocean Waters of Peace The Lens of the Infinite Receiving Ever Changing Vision of Wholeness Transcends That Which It Reflects Maltiox Ahau Nahual Oxlajuj Imox
July 26th is the first day of a new Tracena ~ or 13 Day Mayan Cycle ~ in the theme of IQ the Wind. Today, July 25th is the day out of time in Jose Argueles’ 13 moon calendar tradition – which honors July 25th as a day where the cycles of time stand still, and…
Generally the first plant a person who comes to the jungle for cultural detox will work with is Oje. Oje is a medicine that is used to treat parasites of all types, it is known to be one of the most effective treatments around the world and eliminates anything from intestinal parasites, to candida, even…